Our Team: Julie Holston, Music Together

Julie Holston, Early Childhood

Music Together, MT Big Kids, MT Rhythm Kids

Julie Holston holds a B.A. degree from Anna Maria College and an M.A. from Clark University. She completed an intensive early childhood music teacher training workshop with Music Together of New Jersey during the summer of 1997. Julie is a member of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association and has attended a number of their professional development conferences. Julie is also a former member of the Master Singers of Worcester.

Pakachoag honored Julie in 2022 at the 40th Anniversary Gala in recognition of 25 Years of Service.  The music box presented plays:  “I’d like to teach the world to sing…”.

“Julie is the best.  My children love her and my daughter talks about her quite often outside of class.  We live in Millbury and travel to Sterling because of her.”  Erin, MT Parent; Sterling Satellite Class;  Spring 2014