Our Team: Amy Matherly, Suzuki Violin

Amy Matherly, Suzuki Violin /
Suzuki Program Coordinator

Amy Matherly has been teaching students to play the violin since 1982. She began her career as a violin teacher in the public schools on Long Island. Since moving to Massachusetts in 1988, she has been a member of the faculty at the Performing Arts School of Worcester, the Hartt School of Music, and the Bancroft School. She joined the Pakachoag faculty in 2010.

Amy is a Suzuki Specialist and has taken all possible training offered by the Suzuki Association of the Americas. She is a registered SAA Teacher Trainer, one of approximately 200 professionals having achieved this status in North and South America and has been awarded an SAA Certificate of Achievement.

Her work at Pakachoag includes coordinating the Suzuki program, directing the Pakachoag Fiddle Band, offering Suzuki Teacher Training and teaching private and Suzuki group lessons.

In addition to teaching, Amy develops curricula for different areas of violin instruction and offers them through CAM Publications, a business founded with her husband Christopher in 1998. CAM Publications supports teachers, parents and students by providing teaching materials, accessories, and group class ideas.
Their publications to date:
Progressive Scales for Violin
Progressive Scales for Viola
Music Reading: Step by Step
Really Great Reels
Group Classics: Strategies and Ideas for Inspiring Suzuki Group Classes
To learn more visit www.campublications.com.