Private Lessons

Summer Music Lessons

Spanning age 6 through Adult, depending on instrument choice.

Scheduling Note

Summer lesson times may vary from week to week.  The office will confirm your schedule one week prior to your first summer lesson start date.  

Please note that assigned times for summer lessons are usually different than your school-year lesson time.

When to Register

Registration Opens in April

Summer music lessons are offered in-person, with some online options, as schedules, choices and circumstances permit.  It may also be possible to schedule a combination of in-person and online subject to teacher availability.

You can tell us your preference for in-person vs. online or a combination of both when completing the inquiry form below (for new students) or on the registration form (for continuing students).

In-person lessons are recommended for beginners.  Online-only is best for students who have had private lessons for at least 6 months.

Summer music lessons are offered for most instruments as noted below.  For the summer months, we offer slightly more flexible scheduling than during the school year.  That means you can pick the summer weeks you are available.

Get to know Sonia

Sonia approached us about lessons one summer.  She then continued into the school year.  We asked Sonya if she would be part of our “Faces of Pakachoag” photo display (now in the stairwell going to 3rd floor studios) and she agreed, thus the slightly formal picture. 

Sonia is also now a Pakachoag Board Member.  If you might have an interest in serving as a volunteer on a board committee (development/marketing, strategic planning, governance, finance), please email admin@pakmusic.or

Summer Music Lesson Inquiries And Registration

New to Pakachoag?

If you are new to Pakachoag and are interested in summer lessons, please complete the Summer Lesson Inquiry Form -or- contact the office to review your needs at or call 508-791-8159.

We will contact you and work alongside you to identify a teacher who meets your scheduling needs and music goals.  Once we’ve confirmed these details, you will be sent an online registration form to complete and submit with your tuition payment.

Currently Enrolled Student?

If you currently take lessons, please use the online registration form below which, when posted, will include each teacher’s schedule.

Some teacher schedules may be added at a later date.

Please note:

  • We are unable to provide refunds or credits for summer lessons once you have submitted your registration form.  
  • We do not provide make-ups for missed lessons during the summer.
  • EXCEPTION:  Refunds are offered if the school cancels a lesson, or if a teacher cannot accommodate your specified schedule parameters (you must note this schedule constraint information on the form).

Summer Music Lesson Fees


Once we have confirmed teacher placement and scheduling, you can calculate your summer tuition by multiplying the number of selected lessons x the per lesson amount of:

  • $44 per 30-minute lesson
  • $63 per 45-minute lesson
  • $83 per 60-minute lesson

We ask for summer lesson payment in full upon registration.   If you are experiencing financial challenges, please let us know and we will review whether we can offer some flexibility.

We do not charge a registration fee for summer lessons.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid for summer is pending available funds. Current students – please email

New Students:  Please call us at 508-791-8159 or e-mail for more information.

Location Options

We schedule most lessons in Worcester, at All Saints Church*.  Some openings may be available in W. Boylston.

* 2nd / 3rd floors: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to use stairs, please let us know prior to registering.  We can usually request a first floor space when needed.

Instruments Offered

  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Double Bass
  • Guitar
  • Harp
  • Flute, fife or recorder
  • Oboe
  • French Horn
  • Clarinet and Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Voice (all styles)
  • Suzuki Violin
  • Sitar (Classical Indian)

New to Lessons?

New to Pakachoag?

If you are new to Pakachoag or new to lessons, we recognize that students and families need to feel trust and comfort when working with a teacher. We’ll work with you to help with placement and provide an opportunity to settle.  Please return the inquiry form posted above, email or call and leave a message to begin the process. 

We can also schedule a zoom or similar online meeting if an in-person visit is not possible.

As part of the inquiry process, we will ask you if you have a preference for whether you take all, some or no lessons remotely.  Some teachers may not be available for in-person this summer.   In most cases, we can offer remote if that is your preference.

Whether a beginner can be accommodated for online lessons depends upon the age of student, whether anyone in the family has the ability to assist at home, and the instrument of interest.

All of that said, we encourage you to contact us to talk through options. While not the same as in-person,  online lessons promote learning, allow the teacher to set clear goals for a student’s weekly practice,  and can provide more flexibility around transportation challenges.  Plus, we know and research clearly demonstrates that music contributes to life long health and well-being.  Music is a great way to exercise the mind and find release from stress.

We arrange schedules according to teacher availability.  We provide flexibility with regard to the number of lessons you select, and with regard to family vacation weeks when planned in advance.  We are usually able to accommodate schedule needs.  Most teachers schedule lessons during the afternoon and early evening hours.  With remote lessons, we can likely offer more scheduling options.

Summer private lesson schedules are arranged separately from school year schedules.   For currently enrolled students, this means your assigned time is likely to differ from your school year lesson time.

Please be sure to include your summer schedule availability as requested on the lesson registration form so that we can work to schedule accordingly.

Summer music lesson schedules begin during June, often prior to the summer release date for public schools.  This year, most summer schedules begin June 20th.  It is possible, that some slots for new students may become available in May or early June.

 Why Music Lessons?

This national geographic article explains how the lessons of music can last a life-time.