With Pakachoag Connect
Welcome to online learning with Pakachoag Connect. If you see the logo to your right as part of a program description, you’ll know that we are offering online learning options for that specific program. Some programs include online and in-person options; some are offered only online; some only in-person.
Online learning with Pakachoag took off during the COVID-19 Pandemic. While many of our students have returned to in-person classes and lessons, some of our students continue to choose online options, as available.
With Pakachoag making the transition to remote learning so easy, that too has contributed to my daughter's on-going growth. Pakachoag made sure that they worked with the teacher and family to make the transition easy. ...Varsha’s teacher is providing weekly zoom lessons with Varsha, and works with the students according to the devices that they have at home.
Vidya, from Shrewsbury 2020
Online Learning Options
Welcome to our online remote learning program, Pakachoag Connect. Pakachoag Connect offers a number of online learning choices with Pakachoag Music School.
Private Music Lessons
- Available for school aged students through retirement
- Depending on teacher availability, you may be able to choose online only or a combination of in-person and online.
- For the online only option, dependent upon age and instrument, we may ask for some pre-requisites in order to ensure a successful experience.
- Some teachers teach only in-person; a few teach only online.
Please complete this lesson inquiry form to let us know your interest and we’ll do our best to find an appropriate match.
Music Together & Rhythm Kids
We’re in-person for early childhood classes. HOWEVER, if you are part of a learning pod looking for an online option, please contact Program Director Kristjon Imperio. We may be able to arrange an online class.
- You’re the role model! That means screen time is primarily for parent/caregiver.
You follow the teacher; your child or baby follows you! - Our classes are active and interactive, including when online.
Providing music and suggestions for making music at home with little ones is part of the worldwide MT curriculum.
Group Classes, School Age
We’re generally in-person for other classes. HOWEVER, if you are part of a learning pod, we may be able to schedule an online class, depending upon program, teacher availability, and schedule options.
please contact Program Director Kristjon Imperio, Kristjon@pakmusic.org, to review options.
Online Piano Lessons in Action
The video here demonstrates that online learning can be effective, with the right student/teacher match. Clara, featured in the video from a student recital, was looking to improve her technique but also had some schedule constraints. She is learning online with faculty member Inna Muravnik.
Why Online with Pakachoag Connect?
The Pakachoag Connect program offers
- More flexible scheduling for students and families
- Expanded geographic access to our pool of experienced teaching artists, and
- Assists in situations where weekly travel for on-site (far or near) is not always possible due to health or transportation challenges.
This page summarizes program options we are offering long-term through Pakachoag Connect and explains next steps for more information or enrollment.
Pakachoag Music School has invested in technology for remote learning to provide high quality experiences, in keeping with our overall commitment to quality teaching and learning.
School-wide policies help support a predictable and safe experience while online.
We are happy to assist new students and families with technology information to help get you set up and problem solve if you encounter any connectivity issues.
For families receiving financial aid, we may be able to assist by loaning a device and related equipment you will need for online learning.

We have been very pleased at how well [my child’s] online piano lessons have been going and that she still has the opportunity to take good quality lessons in this time of social distancing. Thanks for giving us a way to keep music in our lives!
Anonymous Parent Survey Response
More Information about Online with Pakachoag
Do I Need Special Equipment
Usually no, however we will provide, as part of Pakachoag Connect , recommendations on some basic equipment which can enhance your online learning experience. Once we know your program of interest or for lessons, your goals and background, we can provide more information.
If you have internet access, we can help you get started. A chromebook or other type of pad or laptop with stand works best. We can offer tech support around simple ways to improve internet connectivity if needed.
For our early childhood program, the screen is for mom, dad, or grandparent/caregiver. You will be the teacher/role model for your child, guided by our Pakachoag early childhood specialist. Everyone sings, shakes, jumps up and down, etc. You do not need to be musically “experienced” or have any special skills.
We most frequently use Zoom; but Facetime may be available for some lessons or classes; We may occasionally use Facebook Live.
How do I Pay for Online?
I'm Interested; What Do I Do Next?
- For private lessons, please complete this Private Lesson Inquiry Form. Please note on that form if you are interested in remote-only lessons. You can also note in-person only, or a combination.
- If you are interested in other online options, please contact our Program Director Kristjon Imperio at kristjon@pakmusic.org