Policies and Guidelines for Music Together
Policies for Music Together do not preclude getting silly during class time! We expect every adult that attends to participate. Why? You are an excellent model for your child (or grandchild or, for caregivers, the child in your care) regardless of your musical ability. If you are enthusiastic and show your appreciation for music, each child will feel free to experience music to its fullest.
Keeping Healthy / Staying Healthy
General Guidelines
Please review our Music Together policies on this page prior to registering. We’ll ask you to confirm you accept these policies as part of your registration.
When to Keep Your Child Home Due to Sickness
PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD TO CLASS SICK! If your child has a fever or contagious symptoms of any kind, kindly arrange to make-up the class.
We require that all registered families read these Sick Child Guidelines which were prepared by a pediatrician and Music Together dad. These guidelines will help you assess your child’s wellness for coming to an in-person class and to be fully informed on when to return to an in-person class after a sickness.
We have a flexible make-up policy so if you are out sick, please feel free to contact the office to request a make-up. Your teacher may also be able to advise on options. Please book make-ups as soon as you are able as class space may be limited. We are sometimes able to provide a Saturday add-on class to serve as a family make-up when schedules permit.
Family make-up classes must be used within the registered semester and are not extended to future class semesters. For Saturday families, we schedule a specific make-up class at the end of the session when schedules permit. The date will be confirmed in class and can be found here on the School MT Calendar.
If you are unable to attend a class please send a quick email to info@pakmusic.org or feel free to leave a message at 508-791-8159. Please include your name and class day/teacher name so we can alert your teacher.
Policies for Class Cancellations and Weather
If a class does not meet its minimum enrollment, the School will cancel the class. You can choose to be refunded or join another Pakachoag Music Together class as space permits.
Holiday closures for specific class dates will be announced at the beginning of each session.
Specific class dates may be canceled due to inclement weather, teacher illness, and for other extraordinary circumstances.
For weather cancellations, we follow the local school closures (but not necessarily delays) for each of our class locations. We post cancellations for bad weather on the Weather Page of our website (found under “News & Events). We do not call or email when questionable weather is forecast, but ask you to check the website.
We may flip an occasional cancelled class to zoom (we’ll post any changes on the weather page) or we’ll provide a make-up at the end of the session or during a vacation week. View the MT Calendar for updates regarding class/teacher make-ups.
Music Together Policies: More Details
Instrument Cleaning Guidelines
Early childhood instruments used during Music Together classes are ‘sterilized’ with a child safe cleaning solution immediately after each class (sprayed and air dried).
If you, as parent, end up with a “wet” instrument, please immediately place the instrument in the holding bucket at the end of the activity so it comes out of circulation.
Families are welcome to bring your own instruments to class. Please transport your instruments in a back pack or similar so that instruments can be kept out of sight/out of mind until the appropriate class activity.
We encourage families to keep hand sanitizer with you to wash hands before and after class which can also help with the spread of germs.
If your child is a “mouther”, please keep a close eye on him/her during instrument play time, for extra safety.
We also require that you review our sick child guidelines above to help you know the right time to return to class after a sickness.
The health of our families and staff is very important to us. When in-person, we take the time to sanitize instruments and materials after each class. We set aside and clean more thoroughly those items that have been mouthed by babies and toddlers.
Details regarding how we clean can be found further down this page.
Class Size
Classes run with a minimum of 6 enrolled students and a maximum of 12 students*. Classes are subject to cancellation or combination depending on enrollment. (See Class Cancellations below.) We’ll consult with families prior to offering you your 2nd class choice or asking for a different option.
During COVID, some class maximums may be reduced according to space and circumstances.
Your Child & Expectations
Please remember that our classes are non-performance oriented. That means that we do not expect children to memorize and recite songs for us – that is simply not developmentally appropriate!
What children ages 0-5 will do in class varies greatly. They may move constantly, sit and observe, taste the instruments, try mimicking sounds and rhythms, or wait to make noise until they are in the car driving home!
Despite the variety of reactions in class they are all processing musical information that with time and experience will emerge as music competency.
Class Start Time
Our classes aim to start right on time so please arrive early so your children have sufficient “warm-up” time to get comfortable with their space. Feel free to bring a book as a quiet activity if you find yourself waiting in advance of class start time. This type of quiet activity can help create an easy transition into the beginning of the class. Please try to be present for the “Hello Song” – it is so important for children to participate in this ritual song and be welcomed to class when they hear their own name. The “Hello Song” is usually a family favorite, and is often the first Music Together song children learn, simply because they are engaged, it is simple, and we repeat it every class. So don’t miss out!
If you are enrolled in a Music Together Online class we also recommending moving to your “music” space (just an anywhere space with some free area for movement) also in advance of our start time and focusing on a quiet activity before we begin. This assists young children with transitioning and renewed focus for music time.
Food and Drink
Please feel comfortable to nurse or bottle feed your baby in class at your own discretion. Other than that, we ask that beverages and snacks NOT appear in class. Our classes may be more energetic than you expect so we DO encourage you to bring water and stay hydrated.
Chatting / Socializing
For the children’s benefit, we aim to make class time a music-immersion experience.
We hope you find friends and community in class, but please save chatting for before and after class. Talking is distracting to your child, the teacher, to other families, and often draws out class time.
Between the songs is sometimes the most exciting part of class as your child may audiate (imagine the sounds in their mind) or mimic the last tones or rhythms! If you talk, you may just miss those precious musical moments!
Children are certainly encouraged to move in class! We will jump, spin, wiggle, roll, and occasionally run in teacher led whole group activities. In general however, for safety reasons we have a no running policy.
Teachers may assist and redirect children, but parents are responsible for their own child’s safety.
Phones & Cameras
Please mute, set to vibrate, or turn off your cell phone during class. If you must answer a call please leave the room to do so, but please remember classes are only 45 minutes, and your participation is essential.
You will undoubtedly want to take photos and videos of your child making music! However, since your participation is essential, please limit picture taking in class. If time allows we will make a “photo-op” happen after class with instruments upon request. Also, please do not photograph, film, or post photos of other children without their families’ permission.
Pakachoag Music School may occasionally take photos to post on our website, facebook page and for other promotional purposes. We track your photo permissions provided at registration.
Siblings, Family & Guests
We encourage all family members – including extended family – to attend whenever possible!
Children under 8 months at the time of registration are always free with a registered sibling! Siblings older than 5 years are welcome to attend if they understand the responsibility of participating and setting a good example for their younger peers.
We do not cancel classes for school in-service days nor for some holidays; we do sometimes schedule make-ups during school vacation weeks. This means older siblings are welcome to attend on these odd days when grade schools may not be in session.
We also encourage you to bring friends with children age 0-5 to a class to find out if they might like to join us for a future semester. Please contact us first to make sure we have space available before bringing children and friends who are not registered.
Payments & Refund Policies
Making Payment
Making Payment: To be fully enrolled in class full payment is due at time of registration. “Pay Later”/mail check in registrations will be categorized as “pending/TBC” meaning that your spot is not secured until payment is received.
If your financial circumstances make it difficult to make full payment in advance of class, you may request split payment by contacting our registrar.
Financial aid is available for families with limited annual income on a first come/first served basis. Please request our financial aid application for more information.
Refund Policies
NO REFUNDS are given after the second week of class. We understand that sometimes unexpected things happen, however, please note that non-attendance does NOT constitute a withdrawal from class. We can only offer a partial refund if the office is informed of your intent to withdraw immediately following the second week of class. Please email info@pakmusic.org if you wish to withdraw.
A $20 handling fee will be deducted from any refunds given, as well as a $42 materials fee for materials since they can not be returned. If materials are in new condition and have not been taken home before a refund is requested, the materials fee will not be charged.
Family Make-Ups
If you miss a class, please feel free to contact the office to book a make-up in an alternate class. We’ll accommodate up to 2 make-up bookings (per child) as space permits. Due to health considerations, we will need to review class size before booking make-ups. For working parents enrolled on Saturdays, we will often schedule an additional Saturday class at or towards the end of each session for family make-up, as schedules permit. Week day parents are also welcome to inquire and schedule for this add-on Saturday class as space permits.
Teacher Absence
If a teacher must cancel a class for sickness or similar, we will contact families directly by email. Occasionally, a substitute teacher may be assigned if circumstances permit.
Changes to Class Schedules
In the event of any changes to class schedule (including teacher assignment, times, or locations) enrolled families will be informed in advance.
Pakachoag Music School reserves the right to cancel any class which is under-enrolled.
Details About Instrument Sanitization
Early childhood instruments used during Music Together classes are ‘sterilized’ with a child safe cleaning solution immediately after each class (sprayed and air dried).
Please review our sick child guidelines above to help you know the right time to return to class after a sickness. As noted above, each teacher sanitizes hand-held instruments used after each class. We use a child safe cleaning solution that can be sprayed and air dried.
We are usually using Benefect disinfectant for instrument cleaning. Feel free to check in with your teacher if you wish to confirm what is currently being used.
- If you, as parent, end up with a “wet” instrument, please immediately place the instrument in the holding bucket at the end of the activity so it comes out of circulation.
- If you might have a child with a susceptible immune system, you might wish to bring your own instruments to class. Please transport your instruments in a back pack or similar so that instruments can be kept out of sight/out of mind until the appropriate class activity.
- We encourage families to keep hand sanitizer with you to wash hands before and after class which can also help with the spread of germs.
- If your child is a “mouther”, please keep a close eye on him/her during instrument play time, for extra safety.
Privacy Policies
Pakachoag Music School and Music Together LLC maintain several email lists to keep subscribers informed about news and the latest information as it pertains to classes, scheduling, events, School information and promotions. Individuals may also receive materials by mail or be contacted by telephone.
Please find our complete Privacy Notice here.
Terms of Use, Notices and Revisions
We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use at any time.
This information was last updated September 18, 2021