Music Together FAQs

A toddler in music class feels the rhythm during scarf time

Frequently Asked Questions About Music Together

Below are some of the more common Music Together questions asked by our parents and grandparents, too.

No matter whether you live in or around Worcester, to the east in Shrewsbury or Northboro; to the north – Clinton, West Boylston, Sterling, Princeton; to the west – Leicester, Holden, Spencer, Sturbridge and the Brookfields; or south in Oxford, Dudley, Charlton, Auburn, Millbury — we have a Music Together class close to you.

If your question is not here, please call us at 508-791-8159 or email

Questions: One that comes up often

My child is not singing! Maybe they are not ready?

Don’t be fooled!  What goes on in your child’s head does not always reveal itself immediately.

First, classes often take several weeks to ‘gel’.  This is because parents and children new to Music Together need time to become better acquainted with the format of the classes. Also, teachers will periodically provide classroom tips on how to best support your child’s development in class as well as at home.

Children are still learning even when they don’t participate as we might expect.  Sitting and observing (vs. moving and engaging) is one of many stages of cognitive development for young children.

Learning to sing is very much like learning to speak.  Babies and toddlers look, listen, touch as their brains are making sense of all the incoming stimuli in their environment.  Soon, they speak their first syllable which then turns to words and phrases.

This is the same for children as they discover their inner musician.  Their brains must first sort out and process the sounds around them.  Then, when they are ready, they’ll begin to make their own sounds.

Because class space is limited, completing the on-line registration form and paying with credit card/pay pal or registering in-person are the best ways to ensure securing a space.

In addition to on-line payment with major credit card, we can also accept personal checks or, if paying in person during office hours, cash. If paying in cash, please be sure to secure a receipt from office staff.

No – occasionally, a class fills with continuing families prior to ‘open registration’. Currently enrolled families have the option of pre-registering during a specified period prior to each session. If you are not ‘currently’ registered, you will need to wait until the ‘new family – open registration’ period is announced prior to each session.

Yes – assuming that you register during the pre-registration period. How quickly you register will determine whether you are able to secure a space in the exact class desired. Providing a ‘second class’ choice on your registration form also increases your chances for securing a space.

Depending upon when and how you register, you will receive either a confirmation e-mail or phone call approximately one week prior to the start of class. If you first class choice is full at time of registration, we will contact you as soon as possible to confirm a second class choice.

Yes.  When we contact you to arrange for your 2nd class choice, please let us know you would like to remain wait-listed for your first choice. In most cases, we cannot wait-list you unless we already have a completed registration form with payment.

Classes often take several weeks to ‘gel’ as parents and children become better acquainted with the format of the program and as teachers periodically provide classroom tips on how to best support your child’s musical development in class and at home. Children are still learning even when they don’t participate as we might expect.  Sitting and observing (vs. moving and engaging) is one of many stages of cognitive development for young children.

A child under 9 months (as of class start date) attending class with a registered older sibling is welcome in any class free of charge. Children under 9 months not accompanying an older sibling are welcome to register for any of the weekly Music Together classes.

We do offer summer Music and Movement classes which are a sampling of our school year program.  Please visit our summer session web pages for a complete overview of summer offerings.

Pakachoag Music School is unable to provide credits or refunds for missed classes. You may, however, schedule one make-up for each child enrolled during your current session. We’ll provide additional make-ups in currently running classes as space permits.

Please call or email in advance to book make-ups.

Please check the MT policy page for information on refunds.

Yes – while you do not have to be a skilled singer, we do ask that you come prepared to participate. You are the role model for your child – your participation in movement and singing activities is key to your child’s success.

You are welcome to bring some basic instruments to class if you are concerned regarding germs.  Please keep instruments in a bag/back pack until we have instrument time to avoid distractions for all of the children.

Definitely ! but please plan on socializing before or after class.  This allows your teacher to keep class time centered around music-making and reduces extraneous noise which distracts young children from remaining focused and engaged as music-makers.

Why don't you offer separate classes for different age groups?

Music Together pioneered the development of the mixed-age approach in early childhood music in the 1980s, and has stayed at the leading edge of this research-based methodology for 40 years.

Each class creates a musical learning environment where the whole family can enjoy music while nurturing skills that match each child’s developmental level.

Mixed-age classes also provide an excellent space for growth because children of different ages thrive when they interact with each other. Learning is not linear! We all grow in our own way, in our own time.

Mixed age family classes support this learning. Often, babies are fascinated by the older child, and the “big” children enjoy helping and sharing with the “little” ones.

This approach is based on research from music education, early childhood development, family relationships, and Pakachoag’s 40+ years of experience in early chidhood music education.

Can we eat in class?

Please feel comfortable to hydrate, nurse or feed infants in class, but we ask that you not bring other food or drink to class. 

After class, feel free to enjoy BYO snacks or lunch with friends outdoors – many of our locations have outside space for social time.   

Can we use cameras or phones during class time?

We request that you keep cameras and phones for before or after class time.

Music Together classes are primarily educational experiences in a community of grown-ups and children, and require active participation by all the grown-ups.  Some children shut down when the cameras come out.  Some become focused on the camera, rather than participating.  Also, some families in your group may have requested to be not be included in any photos/videos.

Please feel free to snap a photo as you are setting up for class! Please be sure to use only photos and videos of your teachers and your family, not other families in class. When in doubt, ask your teacher.

The School will occasionally invite a professional photographer to join us for a full class.   By being on hand for the full class, children usually fall back into class time routines and focus, and forget the photographer is on-hand.

Can more than one adult attend with my child/ren?

Yes!  Both or either parent, grandparents or caregivers are welcome to attend class.  If you might attend with more than two adults, please let us know in advance -just so we can be sure our classroom space and class size can accommodate additional visitors.

Whole family music-making at home is extremely valuable to your child’s musical development.  Encouraging other adult family members to join in is a total plus.