Our voice teachers teach traditional, classical, folk, jazz, pop and music theater genres of music.
Voice lessons are currently available in Worcester on Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays. Additional scheduling options may be possible. Please call the office.
Our voice teachers span all styles – traditional, classical, folk, jazz, pop and music theater genres of music. Please let us know your specific interest so we can match you with the appropriate teacher.
Students can be as young as about 7 years old to begin voice lessons. 10 to 13 years is ideal.
We accept students of all levels, beginning to advanced. Adult students are also welcome.
While lessons are scheduled on a weekly basis during the school year, we will consider accepting adult students on an every-other-week basis if scheduling permits.
Summer lessons are available on an individual basis according to student and teacher availability. Please contact the office in April or May for information regarding summer lesson availability.
Please contact the Director at Sarah@pakmusic.org for more information regarding scheduling. For voice lessons, we’ll also ask some questions about interests and goals to make sure we can provide the appropriate training for your or your child’s specific needs and interests.
You can view more information about our voice teachers at Voice Faculty