For Adults

Give Yourself the Gift of Music!  at Pakachoag.

Adult Music Options

I love teaching adults because you can talk about the music in order to discover what the composer wanted in the composition. It can be very gratifying to help the adult student gain confidence and ultimately discover creative abilities through lessons.

Adult Private Lessons

All of Pakachoag’s teachers have experience teaching adults. We have day time and evening hours available. The school sometimes schedules adult specific performance classes or recitals –  for fun. No one is required to participate – but its a nice opportunity to get to know others who are working toward similar goals.

Adults are welcome to participate in ensembles as scheduling permits. Most of the School’s ensembles are small and we work together like a family. In the past, adult student have participated and performed with the School’s Flute Choir, Unison of Violins and Fiddle Class.


Fiddle groups meet in different formats during the School year and summer.  With a few adults taking fiddle lessons, our fiddle groups are open to all ages.

You do not have to take lessons at Pakachoag to participate.  We can screen you to assess level.

Learn More Here about Summer Fiddle Here.


Summer Flute Academy

Two levels available.  Adults welcome in either group.  

Learn More about Summer Flute Academy Here.

Chamber Ensembles

If you are interested, please email  We put together small ensembles based on interest and level.