Music Safari: Beginning Ukulele
Beginning ukulele classes are offered as part of Pakachoag’s Music Safari instrument discovery program. Basic musicianship skills are learned over the course of two 14-week school year sessions with ukulele as the primary instrument. These group classes, taught by Cecelia Fitzgerald, are designed for children in Grade 3 through Grade 5.
While no learning prerequisite is required to register, the School’s Music Together classes designed for children birth to age 5 provide a quality foundation for Music Safari.
2024-2025 Ukulele Classes
Music Safari: Beginning Ukulele classes for the 2024-2025 school year run in two successive sessions, mid-September through mid-December and mid-January through mid-May. Registration for session two will open in November.
Tuesdays | 4:30-5:15 PM | 14 Classes
Fall Session: September 10th – December 10th
Tuition: $400
The session may start a week late to accommodate enrollment requirements. This may result in a January finish date if additional absences, as listed below, occur. Regardless, no classes will be held on December 24th and 31st.
Registration and payment must be received before the first class. Tuition is non-refundable unless the session is cancelled by the School.
Equipment and Supplies
Tuition includes a method book or lesson binder with learning materials, colored pencils, and access to ukuleles during class periods.
Students must have a functional ukulele by the second class. Families with limited finances are encouraged to inquire with the School directors regarding an instrument loan: admin@pakmusic.org.
Safari Program Overview
Following a full year of Music Safari, each student will demonstrate an understanding of the foundational skills for success in private, one-on-one lessons, including:
- Basic note values, intervals, and notation.
- Simple and compound meters, time signatures, and rhythm notation.
- Experience with chosen Safari instrument or voice/singing.
- Music vocabulary around the staff and tempo/character markings.
- Practice routines and expectations for learning.
Before starting private lessons, children ages 5 through 7 are encouraged to complete a full year of Music Safari. The knowledge gained is transferable to any instrument of study or voice.
Role of Parent/Caregiver
Parents/Caregivers are invited but not required to attend classes alongside the student. Teachers recommend a commitment of 10 to 15 minutes of practice daily, at least five days a week. Ongoing support and assistance by parents/caregivers meeting this at-home practice commitment is key to student success.
Absence and Make-Up Policy
All teacher absences will be made up. One weather cancellation will be made up per session. As a group class, no make ups are provided for student absences.