Private Lessons Student Inquiry Form

Thank you for considering Pakachoag Music School for your music studies. 

 If you are new to the private lesson program, please complete and submit, as Step 1, the Private Lessons Inquiry Form found below (this form can be used for school year or summer).  If we have not already discussed teacher placement and scheduling in advance of your completing this form, we will follow up with you to discuss scheduling options and will provide more specific registration information.

You can indicate on this form if you are seeking in-person, remote-only or a combined model for lessons.

Please check that you receive a confirmation email upon clicking submit

This will confirm that your form has been received (vs. lost/held up in cyberspace 🙂 ).  Thank you.

Private Lessons Inquiry Form (Summer or School Year)

Please complete and submit this form as Step 1 of your lesson inquiry or registration.

  • For adult students, you are welcome to enter 01/01/1920 if you prefer not to be specific about age.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please tell us your or your child's desired instrument of study, including voice, or feel free to note 'not sure'. You can also include here 'looking for group lesson match'.
  • If you are requesting assignment to a specific teacher, please note teacher's name here.
  • Many of our students, both new and continuing, enroll for additional lessons during the summer months. Please tell us what is most important to you with regard to lessons during the summer (we'll also ask you about the school year separately). This information can help us consider needs/interests and teacher availability.
  • Whether you are interested in school year or summer, by understanding more about your school-year needs, we can consider summer options in light of avoiding a teacher change in the fall. We recommend avoiding teacher changes when possible as it takes time for each teacher to establish knowledge around a student's needs and learning style. During the SCHOOL-YEAR, I prefer....
  • Our Suzuki program is on hold. We will contact you if this program becomes available. Please note that while students may be playing out of a Suzuki method book, the Suzuki PROGRAM includes weekly private lessons and group classes.
  • If you have any more specific requests surrounding in-person or online, scheduling, or group placement, please add notes here.
  • If not listed above, please note the name of the student's elementary/middle/high school. Or indicate 'none' or 'homeschooled'.
  • Scheduling Information

  • Time Schedule Availability

    Even if you already know the assigned time of your lesson, please provide the time information requested. This helps us assess options in the event that a schedule change is needed.

    Please provide as wide a time range as possible; a minimum 90 minute time frame is requested.

    If you do not yet know the day of your lesson, please provide information around general availability.

  • Please indicate the earliest START time you can arrive for a lesson or class.
  • Indicate the latest possible lesson END time possible. Please allow a minimum of 1.5 hours between start/end time; 2.5 hours minimum if enrolling two students.
  • Your response is appreciated. This information is used for aggregate reporting to grantors and similar, and remains confidential. Do you primarily identify as….
  • Contact Information

  • Your response is appreciated. This information is used for aggregate reporting to grantors and similar, and remains confidential.
    Do you primarily identify as….
  • Please let us know if you would like additional information regarding...
  • Feel free to select as many as are applicable.