Shrewsbury, MA

Shrewsbury Piano Lessons

Pakachoag Music School offers piano lessons with Curtis Smith in Shrewsbury by special arrangement.

For more information, please email or complete an inquiry form here.

The town of Shrewsbury enjoys easy access to Worcester and Boston via Route 290, Route 9 and Route 495.  The town has a number of public spaces.  Those spaces include Dean Park which provides walking paths, pond, fountains, tennis courts, a playground, and baseball fields.

The public schools maintain a strong music program.  Music programs include orchestras, bands and choirs.  Pakachoag has enrolled many Shrewsbury families over the years.  Shrewsbury families often attend early childhood classes in West Boylston.  Many take private lessons and classes at our primary home in Worcester, in West Boylston, and piano lessons with Curtis in Shrewsbury.