Music Matters Spring 2023

April 27, 2023

100 children learning and growing in big and small ways, through music.

For a second year, we are reaching an additional 100 plus children through free and low cost after-school music instruction thanks to the support of donors and grantors.


Music Matters includes partner based, off-site instruction and financial aid for mostly-onsite tuition programs


Classes this year include Ukulele, Songwriting, Drumming, and Arts & Crafts at Elm Park Community School and Ukulele at Black Excellence Academy (BEA). Four teachers are at Elm Park three days a week; one teacher plus assistant are visiting BEA this spring.


Four Clark University students joined us this year as Teachers/Teaching Assistants.


Pakachoag faculty: Michael Stubblefield, Brenda Lau, Julie Holston.

Kristjon Imperio, Program Director

Music Matters 2023

Made possible with the generous support of....

Pakachoag Parents via Gifts at Registration and Student Sponsorship

Greater Worcester Community Foundation

The George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation

United Way of Central Massachusetts

The Ruth H. & Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation

The Albert W. Rice Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee

Hoche-Scofield Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee

Ramsey McCluskey Foundation

The Worcester Arts Council, a local arts agency funded by the Mass. Cultural Council, a state arts agency.

DCU For Kids

Additional thanks to these funders whose investments in the School also help us dedicate resources needed for the Music Matters program:

The Klarman Family Foundation

The Mass. Cultural Council

The Greater Worcester Community Foundation

The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation