Chemical Engineer, Seawater Electrolysis
From: Worcester, Massachusetts
Currently: New York, NY
Pakachoag Graduate: 2015
Instrument: Violin
Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia (Current)
M.S. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University (2021)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, WPI (2019)

Pakachoag was key to easing my adaptation to the US. I started taking violin lessons within my first year of moving to the US from Ecuador. The opportunity to continue playing the violin at Pakahoag and later join the youth orchestra* was a significant turning point for me. It reassured me that everything would be okay and that I could still pursue my dreams despite the challenges of immigrating to a new country.”
*Worcester Youth Orchestras – a Pakachoag Partner in Music
A little more about Daniela’s current research:
📚I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my latest research paper titled “Alkalinity Enhancement during Reject Brine Electrolysis: Role of Electrocatalyst Placement on the Outer Surfaces of Porous Flow-Through Electrodes.” This project represents months of hard work, countless 3D-printed membraneless electrolyzers, and many videos of hydrogen bubbles 🫧.
While at Pakachoag, Daniela studied violin with Sheila Reid.
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Meet Daniela, Alumna
Meet Daniela Fraga Highlights Chemical Engineer, Seawater Electrolysis From: Worcester, Massachusetts Currently: New York, NY Pakachoag Graduate: 2015 Instrument: Violin Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia (Current) M.S.