Contact Us

Connect with Pakachoag

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An adult student takes her lesson at the piano

General Information

Pakachoag Music School
10 Irving Street, 2nd Floor  /140 Pleasant Street is using GPS.
Worcester, MA  01609

We’re located at All Saints Church, corner of Irving and Pleasant Streets.

Submit a general inquiry using the form below or sign up for e-news by entering your name and e-mail.

Please add  “” to your ‘safe sender’ email list.  This helps ensure our messages reach you.

For a Staff Directory and information on office hours, please visit the Staff & Board Page.

Please include your phone number if you are requesting a response – this helps us ensure we can reach you in the event of e-mail problems.  Thank you.

Contact Short Form

If Visiting

 Please call ahead to check that a staff member will be available.

 Parking is available in the Church parking lot, rear of building. On busy days, look for orange cones with Pakachoag signs. You can also park on-street with meter (25 cents / hour; 2 hour maximum; on Irving or Oxford Streets) or use the Pleasant Street parking garage.

Enter at the back door, off the church parking lot at rear of building (GPS Address: 140 Pleasant)

If the inside door is not open, call the music school office, 2nd Floor to gain entry.  508-791-8159

Please visit the website Office Information Page for information on Office Hours.

The quickest way to reach someone is to email  That email forwards to all staff.

By Mail

Pakachoag Music School of Greater Worcester
10 Irving Street, 2nd FL
Worcester, MA 01609

By Phone

Business Line: 508-791-8159

Texting General:  508-579-5006


By Email

For information:

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