Campaign 40: A Special Thank You
April 24, 2023
Last week, we received a special gift for the School’s 40th Anniversary GRAND Campaign. The gift, made by former Pakachoag parent Susan Renihan in memory of husband Michael Renihan of Auburn, is actually the gift that put us at goal.
Sue and Mike had six children attend Pakachoag from 2003 to 2017. The children, the youngest now attending Worcester State, studied piano, flute, cello and voice.
As would be expected, Michael attended most recitals and many performance classes during those 15 years. I expect a good number of lesson parents will remember the family.
The 40th campaign remains open through 2023. Costs have gone up since we put the budget in place so gifts in excess of original goal appreciated and welcome.
I appreciate very much that Sue made this gift. A special way for us to remember a special person.